Penguicon Family, given the recent circumstances the board has had to make a few pivots regarding the upcoming board meeting to ensure that we are focusing on the right things at the right time. Please, be understanding as we navigate these uncertain waters in the days and weeks ahead.
The board meeting on March 14, 2020 will be via virtual stream only. While we will not be hosting a meet and greet with the board at 11am, I will open the virtual meeting at 11:30am and any board member that is available will be there to answer questions.
The focus of this board meeting will be on the COVID-19 virus and the state of Penguicon 2020 and how that will affect Penguicon 2021 and beyond. We will be postponing the interviews for ConChair 2021 and Board member positions until March 29, 2020 at 1pm. Emails will be sent out to all who have applied, and further communication will be posted regarding the new deadline and meeting date.
If you have specific questions, please reach out to the Board directly at [email protected], or to me directly at [email protected].
Topic: Board Meeting Public
Time: Mar 14, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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